Own your day, do not let the day own you.The most important part of starting of day is to know as to how it is going to be and how to plan it out. I feel extremely excited and satisfied if I know what is in for me for the whole day. I would like to own my day and not the day own me. I would like to make my mind understand that this task is important and this is not so important in the morning than making a decision as and when it comes. By now you should have understood that I do not encourage surprises. Surprises in materialistic things makes sense, but, for a surprise in daily life, requires a person to be more dynamic. More dynamic - means, higher presence of mind. In this stressful life, do you get that?
I feel extremely difficult to motivate myself when there is no plan for the day. I feel comfortable lying on a couch and doing nothing when there is unknown unknown in front of me. Make a list of what you want to do everyday. The list might be overwhelming, but its helps in knowing how your day goes. It helps you own your day and not the day owning you. Try it out, let me know!!